My weekends are anchored by little league basketball. Both of my grandsons, ages 3 and 5, are playing. Before it turned cold (although today it was 61 and sunny, reasons for it be damn, ya know I wasn't complaining!), I was taking the 5 year old to his bus stop in the mornings and after his bus arrived, I would keep on going (most days) to the studio.
I took much of December off and January's days were filled with more Nana duties in the day and evenings with the other 2 grand-delights. As much as I love them, there is a very good reason for menopause...50something year old women should NOT have day in and night in care of small children. But we now have daycare!!!!!!!! (and the crowd goes wild!!!!!!!!!!). So now Nana and Papa just have the evenings with them. Ahhhh, much better.
Last Friday was an art reception for Hope and Healing. Twenty-one artists donated work to a non-profit that serves women, men, and children who are victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. I sent Urban Exodus (formerly Urban Egression) on "permanent loan". (excuse the bad photography, it's the camera's fault ;D )
Carter and Anaya and my Mother went with me. I could not have had two toddlers in tow without my Mama's help!!! Here is Anaya saying "look look". This is the only quilt she responded to...It is a Penny Sisto quilt.
Carter was going through the exhibit saying "wow, wow, wow". It was mostly abstract work that he liked...the few he said he didn't like were realism in landscapes. Here are snapshots of the two that "wowed" Carter the most.
The work on top was created by Keith Kleespies and my apologies to not remembering or being able to find the artist who created the work on the bottom.
Negotiating Territory is now hanging in the newest gallery at Mellwood, The Kore Gallery. It will be there until the end of March or April.
I'll be returning to some semblance of what passes for normal at the Studio. I was there today for 6 hours...5 of which I hand embroidered 8 of the boats for a total of 13 completed...only 164 more to go. I have to mentioned a breakthrough I had while stitching (Obama is going to beat the pants off of ANY republican candidate! okay, politics aside). My breakthrough was this...I had been isolating embroidery thread colour within colour segments on the boats...and then I thought, why not use the thread across colour segments...use the thread to bridge the is my breakthrough in a picture:
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